My Kids Are My Trainers

My Little Weight Trainers

Originally published in Mothering Matters in 2005

When my children were babies, I found that being their mother was a fitness regime in of itself. I wrote about “my little weight trainers” six years ago (1999) for Mothering Matters. Now that my boys are all in school I have found other ways to keep fit while being with them. Here are my ideas for a child-driven fitness program with a baby, along with some new ideas for keeping fit with older children.

Motherhood is not usually thought of as a fitness program, but I have found it to be so in many ways. After going through the demands of pregnancy and birth, I began my program with a small weight, in the 3-5 kg range. The efficiency of the program is that the weight IS the trainer and the weight increases steadily.

Many times a day my trainer reminded me to pick him up. When the trainer was lying or playing on the floor, I had the chance to do deep knee bends whenever I picked him up. Carrying the little trainer up and down the stairs was also a great exercise for the legs. For an extra challenge I combined that load with a load of laundry.

So as not to neglect the upper body, sometimes I sat in a comfortable chair or lay on my back on the floor and held the trainer in a flying position. He got to “fly” up as far as my arms reached and back down to touch noses with me.

Here in Switzerland a training program can take on another dimension, since shopping can often be done without a car. With the little trainer in his pram I went for a brisk walk to the store. I did the first part of this excellent cardiovascular exercise with the weight trainer alone. When the trainer was in the mood, he added the challenge of needing to be held while I shopped. Then during the last part of the exercise I got to push home the weight of my trainer plus the groceries.

Other exercises I did when my older two trainers were smaller (before the third was born) included carrying the little trainer in a backpack or pulling one or both of them in a bike trailer. When I combined one of those exercises with shopping I had quite a good workout.

The program is efficient, inexpensive, entertaining for the little trainers and was fun for me, too, and it really did keep me trim. But, no matter how active I am taking care of the kids and household, it is still not enough. I would be idealizing motherhood if I claimed having achieved total fitness just from running after the kids, little ones or bigger school-kids. I find that everyday frustrations build and boil into anger if not vented with serious exercise.

When the kids were younger I sometimes walked to the local track with them. My five-year-old rode his bike there, my three-year-old walked or rode a bike with training wheels, and I pushed the baby in a jogging stroller. We took a ball, a couple of toy cars, water and a snack. I ran while they played or rode around. If the baby was fussy, I pushed him as I ran, otherwise I parked him in the stroller.

Now we have found other ways to combine a simple outing with real exercise for me. We go on family bike rides, hikes or swimming. Sometimes I go for a run in the woods along with one child on his bike. My husband likes to take them along to a Vitaparcours, where they can run or ride their bikes between the exercise stations. Then we all stop to do the various exercises and stretches together.

By Sara Gisin-Moss

Sara has been associated with Mothering Matters since the very early days. She has been living in Switzerland for 25 years and works as a technical editor at a high tech company. Her boys are now aged 19, 18 and 14.

Illustration by Laura Munteanu

Laura has studied Journalism and Advertising, and has worked as a journalist and an illustrator. She has illustrated for magazines, websites, charity and various campaigns. Laura lives in Zurich with her husband and 5 year old daughter.

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